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Alcohol and dementia

There is strong evidence that drinking too much alcohol increases the risk of developing dementia. Find out how to drink safely and read our tips for reducing your alcohol intake.

middle aged couple outside

What is young onset dementia?

What is young onset dementia? What differences are there to late onset dementia? How does young onset dementia develop?

woman seated with laptop on the desk in front of them. They are smiling and are wearing a Dementia UK branded tee shirt

Tidziwe’s story

Adult Nursing lecturer and a PhD student  Tidziwe reflects on the lack of awareness of dementia in her home country of Malawi.

Joe Costello, Consultant Admiral Nurse, looking at the camera

Getting to know you: Joe Costello

Joe Costello is Dementia UK’s Consultant Admiral Nurse for Sport and Dementia and has been in post for six months. He explains why this new role is needed for families living with dementia who have a connection to sport.

Dr Karen Harrison Dening, Head of Research and Publications

Life with Dementia – your questions answered

Karen Harrison-Dening, Head of Research and Publications, shares why her new book  with Dementia UK’s CEO Hilda Hayo was created and and why including real life stories was such an important part of its development.