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Tracy and Steve in Zakynthos, Greece

Tracy’s story

Tracy's husband Steve has Lewy body dementia, Tracy talks about support they've received from Admiral Nurse Liz.

Dementia UK

Dementia care needs urgent overhaul

Dr. Hilda Hayo, our CEO and Chief Admiral Nurse recently spoke to for an exclusive interview on why dementia care needs an urgent overhaul.

Senior black couple sitting on porch swing holding hands

Dementia across cultures and ethnicities

Dr Julia Botsford is a specialist in the area of dementia in ethnic minority communities. She shares the questions and issues that cultural and ethnic differences can raise when creating support services for people affected by dementia.

Prevention and risk factors

What can increase your risk of getting dementia? Find out how to reduce/prevent your risk of dementia or delay its impact.

What do Admiral Nurses do?

Admiral Nurses are specialist dementia nurses who provide life-changing support to families affected by all forms of dementia.

Man sitting on a sofa receiving a Christmas present

12 tips for Christmas

Our Admiral Nurses have put together a list of 12 Christmas tips so that you can enjoy the festivities whilst caring for someone with dementia.