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Christine, who's husband Andy has young onset dementia, smiling at a camera

Christine’s story – We live with dementia

When her partner Andy was diagnosed with dementia at the age of 52, Christine struggled to know where to turn. She is supporting our ‘We live dementia’ campaign to raise awareness of how our specialist dementia nurses can help.

Our top film suggestions for people with dementia

The ability of arts and dementia to help families stay together in the face of dementia has been recognised by our specialist dementia nurses and our list of film recommendations is focused around music, interactivity and simple plotlines.

Admiral Nurse Gary Burnham headshot

Opening up conversations around dementia this International Men’s Day

Women make up a large proportion of callers to Dementia UK’s Admiral Nurse Dementia Helpline – over 70%. With rising cases of dementia and the condition still being so stigmatised, we talked to a couple of our dementia specialist nurses on why there is that imbalance, and the importance of opening up conversations around dementia – both as an unpaid carer and as someone living with the condition.