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woman seated with laptop on the desk in front of them. They are smiling and are wearing a Dementia UK branded tee shirt

Tidziwe’s story

Adult Nursing lecturer and a PhD student  Tidziwe reflects on the lack of awareness of dementia in her home country of Malawi.

middle aged couple outside

What is young onset dementia?

What is young onset dementia? What differences are there to late onset dementia? How does young onset dementia develop?

Joe Costello, Consultant Admiral Nurse, looking at the camera

Getting to know you: Joe Costello

Joe Costello is Dementia UK’s Consultant Admiral Nurse for Sport and Dementia and has been in post for six months. He explains why this new...

隱私權政策 – Traditional Chinese privacy policy

簡介 Dementia UK 承諾保護您的個人資訊並尊重您的隱私權。 在您與我們分享個人資訊時,我們會清楚指出目的,並且不會做出任何超出您合理預期之行為。蒐集您的資訊時,我們會事先通知您;在本文檔中,我們將說明您的個人資訊將如何處理以及不會進行哪些處理。 我們將相關內容劃分為以下十四個章節: 我們蒐集的個人資訊類型 我們如何使用您的資訊 我們如何蒐集您的資訊 Admiral Nurse 腦退化症幫助熱線或 Admiral Nurse 診所(包括 Closer to Home)蒐集的資訊 遺產管理 社交媒體行銷 我們如何共用您的資訊 資訊處理的法律依據 如何保護您的資訊安全以及何人有權存取您的資訊 外部連結 我們如何使用...