Devon Admiral Nurse Wins ‘Community Nurse of the Year’ Award
Heidi Crook, Devon’s first Admiral Nurse, has won the ‘Community Nurse of the Year’ award.
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Heidi Crook, Devon’s first Admiral Nurse, has won the ‘Community Nurse of the Year’ award.
Admiral Nurse Lindsay White on why she is running the Brighton Marathon to raise funds for Dementia UK.
Head of Research and Publications at Dementia UK, Dr. Karen Harrison Dening, introduces this blog post pointing to why meaningful activities are so important for...
Admiral Nurse Mark shares how he is teaching hospital colleagues more about the effects of dementia, so they can provide better support to their patients...
Our Helpline was recognised and celebrated for its amazing work in providing information, support and advice to improve the lives of families with dementia at...
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Since being diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease in 2019, Sylvia has found a new purpose in expressing her feelings through painting.
Friends Johnnie, Dirk and Stefan rowed 4,000 miles across the Atlantic Ocean to raise funds for families facing dementia.
Volunteer Ambassador Urmila Prabhat talks about her Time for a Cuppa tea party, which incorporated delicious her Indian recipes.
Sunita Devi, Diverse Admiral Nurse Lead, reflects on South Asian Heritage month and how she supports families from the South Asian community.