Looking after yourself as a young carer during the summer holidays
Hannah Gardner, Consultant Admiral Nurse for Children and Young People, shares tips on how young dementia carers can look after themselves during the holidays.
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Hannah Gardner, Consultant Admiral Nurse for Children and Young People, shares tips on how young dementia carers can look after themselves during the holidays.
LGBTQ+ Dementia Advisory Group member Dáithí on the importance of using inclusive language and having a person-centred approach to care.
Joanna’s mum has vascular dementia and is now living in a care home. Joanna talks about the impact that her mum’s condition has had on...
Our newly created Consultant Admiral Nurse service for the LGBTQ+ community is an exciting step for Dementia UK.
Our campaign ‘Only together,’ highlights the lacks of support currently available to families affected by dementia and how things need to be improved.
Award-winning sports and leisure operator Everyone Active is supporting Dementia UK, to deliver a year-long partnership to raise awareness of dementia and vital funds to...
Emily, who is a dementia specialist Admiral Nurse supporting families from London Chinese communities, shares why she became a dementia specialist nurse
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This International Women’s Day, Hilda celebrates her career highlights and challenges some of the bias she has seen along the way.