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Showing: 10 results of 382
Paul and his dad

Paul’s story

Paul's story shares the difficulties with mental health that many people experience after a loved one has been diagnosed with dementia.

Catherine enjoys a cup of tea

Catherine’s story

Catherine shares how she supported her best friend after her husband was diagnosed with young onset dementia.

Clare, who's mum has dementia, looking at camera

Clare’s story – We live with dementia

As a carer for her mum, who has vascular dementia, Clare is taking part in our ‘We live with dementia’ campaign to make more people aware of the support our nurses offer.

Our strategy and annual reports

Find out more about our vision and strategy to provide specialist and compassionate support for families facing dementia, and read our annual report and accounts.

Team meeting at Dementia UK

Insights and Evaluation Team

We’re committed to building the evidence base for Admiral Nursing by demonstrating the value, outcomes and impact of Admiral Nurse services