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Steve (on the right) with his mum (on the left)

Steve’s story

When Steve’s mum, who had dementia, was hospitalised after a fall, Steve turned to Dementia UK’s Helpline for support.

Joe Costello, Consultant Admiral Nurse, looking at the camera

Getting to know you: Joe Costello

Joe Costello is Dementia UK’s Consultant Admiral Nurse for Sport and Dementia and has been in post for six months. He explains why this new role is needed for families living with dementia who have a connection to sport.

A packed basket with a bow

Hampers from home

Create your own ‘stay at home’ hampers and ask for donations for them to support families facing dementia.


Penny’s story

Penny’s Mum, Rosemary, lives with mixed dementia and is now in a care home. Penny shares how Dementia UK's Admiral Nurse Helpline supported her.