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Animals and dementia

Families talk about the effect animals have on loved ones with dementia, including reducing anxiety and improving mood and communication.

Annette Chidgey (back right) with her brother, Simon-Chidgey (back left) and their parents David and Shirley Chidgey

Annette’s story

Annette reflects on how the NHS continuing healthcare (CHC) funding application process is flawed for people living with dementia.

Admiral Nurse Phil advising a carer

Why host or commission a service?

Dementia UK has built the infrastructure to support specialist nursing in dementia care so that families have an expert by their side.


Amanda’s story

After Amanda's mum was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease, the family were supported by Admiral Nurse Helen on our virtual clinics service.

Man sitting on a sofa receiving a Christmas present

12 tips for Christmas

Our Admiral Nurses have put together a list of 12 Christmas tips so that you can enjoy the festivities whilst caring for someone with dementia.