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Suzanne Wightman, Admiral Nurse Professional and Practice Development Facilitator (North East)

What more can be done to boost the retention of nurses?

Tailored and pro-active support can reduce stress and burnout in the profession and enable nurses to flourish and make a difference, writes Suzanne Wightman, Admiral Nurse Professional and Practice Development Facilitator (North East).

model shoot with Admiral Nurse sharing leaflet

Dementia leaflets

Read or download our leaflets. They’re written by our specialist dementia nurses and put together in response to frequently asked questions.

Admiral Nurse EMily outside looking at the camera

Getting to know Admiral Nurse Emily

Emily, who is a dementia specialist Admiral Nurse supporting families from London Chinese communities, shares why she became a dementia specialist nurse

Children’s privacy notice

Explore our privacy notice for children and young people using our Admiral Nurse Service. Learn how we handle personal information and support families affected by dementia.