Christine’s experiences of continence care
Christine Reddall speaks about the challenges she experienced in continence care after her late daughter Anna was diagnosed with frontotemporal...
Discover the latest research, charity and fundraising news and blogs from Dementia UK.
Christine Reddall speaks about the challenges she experienced in continence care after her late daughter Anna was diagnosed with frontotemporal...
Award-winning sports and leisure operator Everyone Active is supporting Dementia UK, to deliver a year-long partnership to raise awareness of...
Find out what the new integrated care systems are and what they mean for health and social care and support...
Mark, Disability Tennis Co-ordinator for Middlesex Tennis shares why he started coaching sessions for people living with dementia and is teaching...
Admiral Nurse Sarah Rudman provides her tips and advice for making your fundraising event a success.
Admiral Nurse Cheryl Scarrott discusses the health experiences of families living with dementia in Gypsy, Roma and Travelling communities.
People living with dementia share the things they think everyone should know about the condition.
Sarah and her son Alfie share why taking on a Tennis-a-thon was important to them.
Our new Closer to Home service, created in partnership with Leeds Building Society, has supported a record number of families...
Rachel Thompson, Consultant Admiral Nurse for Lewy body dementia, shares how she has supported colleagues and families affected by this...
Carers of people with dementia on the things they think everyone should know about dementia and dementia care.
Chief Admiral Nurse and CEO Dr Hilda Hayo talks about why our latest brand campaign is so important for the...