
A tribute to a fearless advocate and friend, Wendy Mitchell
Our Chief Admiral Nurse and Chief Executive, Hilda Hayo, talks about the legacy of Wendy Mitchell.
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Our Chief Admiral Nurse and Chief Executive, Hilda Hayo, talks about the legacy of Wendy Mitchell.
This International Women’s Day, Hilda celebrates her career highlights and challenges some of the bias she has seen along the...
This International Women’s Day, we asked three of our dementia specialist Admiral Nurses about women who have inspired them.
Holidays can be a perfect opportunity to reconnect with a loved one, recharge your batteries and de-stress. And while holidaying...
Gary Burnham-Jones is a dementia specialist Admiral Nurse supporting families through Dementia UK’s free Helpline and phone and video appointments.
We share answers to some common questions that our dementia specialist Admiral Nurses hear on Dementia UK’s Helpline over Christmas...
We're delighted to announce that Livewell Southwest CiC, University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust and Dementia UK have been shortlisted for...
We are delighted to announce our partnership with NEXT Retail to produce our ‘Loved’ cushion, which is raising vital funds...
Joe Costello is Dementia UK’s Consultant Admiral Nurse for Sport and Dementia and has been in post for six months....
To take part, all children need to do is draw a picture which represents their experience of dementia before midnight...
Admiral Nurse Safia reflects on how she supports families from diverse communities and what Black History Month means to her.
Roxanne Viera-Moreno, Lead Admiral Nurse at Barking, Redbridge and Havering University Hospitals NHS Trust, reflects on what Black History Month...