What is an Admiral Nurse and how can they help?
An Admiral Nurse is a dementia specialist nurse that provides life-changing care for families affected by all forms of dementia.
St Cuthbert’s Hospice, Durham, has been honoured with a national award at the prestigious Dementia Care Awards at a high-profile Gala Night held on Thursday, 7th November at Doncaster Racecourse attended by over 400 guests.
The National Dementia Care Awards are an annual event organised by The Journal of Dementia Care, a multidisciplinary journal for all professional staff working with people with dementia, in hospitals, nursing and residential care homes, day units and the community. The awards were created to recognise exceptional work within the dementia care sector.
In 2014 St Cuthbert’s was the first hospice in the UK to appoint a dementia specialist Admiral Nurse in partnership with Dementia UK, who train, develop and support Admiral Nurses in their roles. Admiral Nurses work alongside people with dementia and their families and offer one-to-one support, expert guidance and practical solutions so they can face dementia with more confidence and less fear. The Nurses work across a range of care settings including in the community, hospitals as well as care homes.
Since the first appointment, the service has grown and now employs a team of three dementia professionals to meet the needs of people in County Durham with dementia, and to further support families and carers.
Admiral Nurse Lisa Howarth said:
We are thrilled to accept this award on behalf of St Cuthbert’s Hospice. It was an honour just to be nominated but winning has shown the incredible impact hospices can have when working with people living with dementia, their families and carers.
The Dementia Team provide support to patients within the Hospice In-Patient Unit, to those attending day services at The Living Well Centre and also deliver a Namaste Care Service in the community for people with advanced dementia. All of this is provided free of charge.
Lisa adds:
We are all very proud to be part of such an innovative service with such drive and ambition. The judges recognised that we achieve so much with such limited resources. The Hospice relies greatly on donations from the public, businesses and charitable trusts. The delivery of range of services we offer is only possible thanks to our dedicated and compassionate volunteers. This is not only a win for St Cuthbert’s Hospice but also for those who help us to deliver our unique and specialist care in County Durham.
Director of Clinical Services at Dementia UK, Paul Edwards, said:
This award has put the spotlight on the invaluable work which Admiral Nurses do within hospices. End of life care can be particularly emotionally and practically challenging for families with dementia so the importance of growing Admiral Nurse talent in this area cannot be overstated – well done to the team at St Cuthbert’s for leading the way.
An Admiral Nurse is a dementia specialist nurse that provides life-changing care for families affected by all forms of dementia.
Call or email our Dementia Helpline/Alzheimer's Helpline for reassuring and practical advice from our specialist team of Admiral Nurses.