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2018’s Award-Winning Admiral Nurses

We celebrate the achievements and service of our extraordinary Admiral Nurses who have made The New Year’s Honours List 2018.

We have grown so much over the last year, with the highest number of Admiral Nurses to date – 261- working across the UK. These amazing nurses are at the forefront of dementia care – so much so that they have had an award-winning year.

We wanted to celebrate their achievements with you and have included our very own New Year’s Honours list below:

  • Heidi Crook – Devon’s first Admiral Nurse, won the ‘Community Nurse of the Year’ award. This was organised by Devon Community Education Provider Network, with the support from both Devon Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) and Nursing Leaders in the community.
  • Admiral Nurse, Hannah Gardner, was recognised by the Care Quality Commission as delivering a great service to people with dementia in an acute hospital setting. A big part of her role involved raising awareness of delirium amongst families and healthcare professionals.
  • Rachel Watson, our Senior Admiral Nurse, was given the ‘Highly Commended’ accolade for the prestigious Sue Pembrey award. This recognises the achievements of outstanding nurses across the country.
  • Angie Williams, Admiral Nurse for Order of St John Care Trust, won ‘The Good Nurse Award’. Her commitment in developing herself and her wider team and ultimately creating a great service shone through.
  • Admiral Nurse Dave Bell, was honoured for 20 years of service at Dementia UK’s annual Admiral Nurse Forum. His passion in providing exemplary standards of care and support to people with dementia, as well as supporting other Admiral Nurses to continue their specialist and pivotal work, were recognised.
  • Admiral Nurse, Jakki Whitehead from Riversway Care Home in Bristol, reached the final for the ‘Nursing Times Care of the Older Person Award’. Jakki was nominated by Dementia UK for the work that she has done in ‘developing dementia champions in a nursing environment.’

Congratulations to all of the Nurses who won awards this year as well as many more who were shortlisted. Honourable mentions go to:

  • Our Admiral Nurse Dementia Helpline for being shortlisted for a ‘Commitment to Carers’ award at the RCNi Nurse Awards.
  • Doncaster Admiral Nurse service named as a finalist in the annual Skills for Care Accolades.
  • Admiral Nurse for Dementia Care, Joe Costello, was a finalist in the Service Improvement Category of the Bright Ideas in Health Awards 2018. His commitment to improving the care of people living with dementia was recognised.
  • Consultant Admiral Nurse, Kathyrn Penrith, was a finalist in the National Dementia Care Awards in the ‘Best Dementia Nurse Specialist’ category.
  • Our Professional and Practice Development team was nominated under the ‘Workforce Team of the Year’ category at the Nursing Times Workforce Summit Awards.

We’re excited to see all the achievements of our Admiral Nurses in 2019.