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Nicky's story: "Support is out there to help you through a 10k as well as the challenges of dementia"

Nicky on his experience raising over £4000 for Dementia UK by taking part the Great Manchester Run.


To run in aid of Dementia UK is something I’m incredibly passionate about as my mum was diagnosed with dementia in 2012.

There’s always been a strong family bond, with my mum being the centre of my world. One of my favourite memories of her is when she used to take my brother and I to see Manchester United play both home and away. Watching them play the European Cup Winners Cup was definitely a highlight.

My mum’s diagnosis of dementia impacted massively on me as the main carer. I’ve found myself keeping up the house and I always have to check in with her. She has prided herself on being such an independent and feisty woman but there are moments when she is not the mother I know.

Living positively with dementia

I soon found out that Admiral Nurses could help me out in a number of ways such as spotting the signs of dementia and living more positively with it. I know I’m going to be relying on the charity’s Helpline more as my mum’s health deteriorates, so running the Great Manchester Run seemed like the best fit to help Dementia UK continue its superb work.

I’ve never run before in my life but I wanted to do something that would push me out of my comfort zone.

Although I didn’t finish the race as fast as I would have liked to (finished in 1:17) it was such an amazing experience overall. I don’t think I would have finished if I hadn’t had the support of my family at the race as well as the Dementia UK cheer point.

The best feeling in the world

To pass the finish line knowing that I had done something for my mum and raising over £4,000 was the best feeling in the world. My brother was running alongside me every step of the way, he could have run so much faster than me but he wanted to support me throughout the run.

My advice for anyone who is unsure about doing something like this for charity is to just to go for it. From my perspective, it’s so hard for people who are carers and families living with the condition. You’ve just got to remember that support is out there to not only help you through a gruelling 10k but also through all the challenges that dementia presents. Thank you to everyone!