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Kevin's story: "Admiral Nurses are also there to walk the journey with families and help relieve the pressures of caring"

Kevin explains why he and his husband have decided to leave a gift to Dementia UK in their Will.

Kevin and his husband

Kevin and his husband

When my grandmother developed dementia, it was incredibly hard on our family. I remember my dad in particular struggling greatly. He didn’t really understand her illness, what it was doing to her or how it would progress. Often, he became frustrated with her repetitive questions and deteriorating memory. He was stressed, anxious, and didn’t know how to help her.

My grandmother lived by herself, and her neighbours would call my dad every week with concerns about her. The worries just grew, and my dad didn’t know where to turn. This was in the early 1980s, and there was little support or accessible information about dementia.

Years later, when I met an Admiral Nurse in my professional career, I was very impressed by the incredible support they were offering to families affected by dementia. I was immediately taken back to what my own family had been through all those years ago, and what a difference it would have made if they could have received the help of an Admiral Nurse.

Admiral Nurses are specialists in their field. They have an expert knowledge base to provide advice and information on all aspects of care and support; but are also there to walk the journey with families and help relieve the pressures of caring.

So that’s why my husband and I have decided to leave a gift in our Will to Dementia UK. If we can help a family get the kind of support mine so desperately needed when my grandmother was ill, that would be a wonderful legacy to leave.

Learn more about leaving a gift in your will