Andy’s story – We live with dementia
Andy, 52, lives with young onset dementia. As part of our ‘We live with dementia’ campaign, he shares how his diagnosis affects him and his partner Christine.
It can be difficult when a family member with dementia stops recognising you – but please remember that not being recognised doesn’t mean you’re totally forgotten. In this video, our nurse has some useful tips for dealing with this, including using visual cues to help a person with dementia reconnect with you.
Delirium is a sudden onset of confusion that can occur more commonly in older people, whether or not they have dementia. In this video, we provide some tips about what delirium is, how you can recognise it, what causes it, and what you can do about it.
Some people with dementia might struggle to recognise where they are as ‘home’. This might be because they have become disorientated. In this video, we share some tips to help the person with dementia feel more at ease, which might make them less inclined to want to leave the house.
When a person with dementia becomes distressed, it is often because they are trying to communicate something to you. This video suggests techniques that can try to prevent the distress in the first place as well as methods for promoting calm in the moment.
Our virtual clinics give you the chance to discuss any questions or concerns with a dementia specialist Admiral Nurse by phone or video call, at a time that suits you.
Andy, 52, lives with young onset dementia. As part of our ‘We live with dementia’ campaign, he shares how his diagnosis affects him and his partner Christine.
Ricky’s talks about how his Gran’s dementia diagnosis impacts his whole family and why he is supporting the ‘We live with dementia’ campaign.
When her partner Andy was diagnosed with dementia at the age of 52, Christine struggled to know where to turn. She is supporting our ‘We live dementia’ campaign to raise awareness of how our specialist dementia nurses can help.