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Adapt films

This series of films was created in 2019 to help educate and inform people about young onset dementia. We hope they will be of particular use and interest to people who have been newly diagnosed and those who support them.

The films were funded by DEEP and the Shanly Foundation and are available for use by anyone who would like to share them, particularly at training courses, events and conferences.

Adapt – Being a parent 

Features people affected by young onset dementia discussing how they shared the news of their diagnosis with their children, how they reacted and the impact the diagnosis has had on their family relationships. 

Adapt – Who and how to tell

Features people affected by young onset dementia discussing how they shared the news of their diagnosis with family and friends.  They talk about how people reacted to the news and share advice for others in a similar situation. 

Adapt – Employment and keeping active 

Features people affected by young onset dementia discussing how the condition had an impact on their working lives and what they do now to keep active and engaged.  

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