Call our free Dementia Helpline 0800 888 6678

Market Harborough Admiral Nurse clinics

The Market Harborough Admiral Nurse clinics are an opportunity to seek expert, compassionate support from a dementia specialist Admiral Nurse. It is hosted by the South Leicestershire Medical Group at the Market Harborough Medical Centre and Old School Surgery, Kibworth.

The Admiral Nurse can support families affected by dementia with a range of issues including:

The Admiral Nurse is there for the whole family, supporting the physical and mental health needs of both the carer and the person with dementia. The clinics are open to all.

Opening hours:

For more information about all aspects of dementia and our support services, please visit our information and support pages.

If you are looking for support right now, you can contact our free Admiral Nurse Dementia Helpline.

By engaging with the service, you are agreeing to our terms and conditions and privacy policy. If you have any difficulty accessing these, you must tell us before your appointment.