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LGBTQ+ dementia support and resources

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    The Consultant Admiral Nurse for the LGBTQ+ Community can support you if you are:

    • a member of the LGBTQ+ community who is living with dementia
    • a member of the LGBTQ+ community who cares for someone with dementia
    • caring for a person from the LGBTQ+ community who has dementia

    Currently, clinic appointments with the Consultant Admiral Nurse for the LGBTQ+ Community are available every Tuesday between 10am and 4pm. If you are unable to attend an appointment on the available clinic day, please call our  Helpline  on 0800 888 6678 (Monday-Friday 9am-9pm, Saturday and Sunday 9am-5pm) or email to discuss an alternative day.

    About the Consultant Admiral Nurse Service for the LGBTQ+ Community

    At Dementia UK, we are committed to providing every family affected by dementia with tailored, specialist support that meets their unique needs – including those who are often overlooked by health and social care services.

    Our Consultant Admiral Nurse Service for the LGBTQ+ Community is an exciting step for Dementia UK. It serves to represent the needs of people within the LGBTQ+ community, raising awareness of the challenges they face and advocating for inclusive and affirmative care.

    The service will provide clinical guidance to members of the LGBTQ+ community, their families and carers, as well as raising awareness; promoting inclusivity within the services we provide; influencing policy work; supporting research; and developing educational resources.

    Why is a dedicated service for the LGBTQ+ community important?

    Members of the LGBTQ+ community face many challenges and obstacles, particularly in accessing healthcare services. This can lead to poor health outcomes and people avoiding accessing timely support due to fear of judgement or discrimination.

    This service will ensure inclusivity is at the core of the care and support we provide. It will reassure members of the community that they can access support from Dementia UK without fear of judgement, creating a safe space to share concerns and seek help with issues relating to dementia.

    What are some of the challenges experienced by the LGBTQ+ community?

    Every day, members of the LGBTQ+ community face challenges such as:

    • homophobia, prejudice, discrimination and judgement
    • a lack of specialised support services to meet their specific needs
    • lack of available resources
    • unequal treatment
    • inappropriate curiosity
    • lack of recognition of ‘families of choice’ and assumptions regarding relationships
    • increased prevalence of depression, high alcohol consumption and social isolation leading to poorer health outcomes

    How can you support the LGBTQ+ community?

    • Aim to become LGBTQ+ aware and promote awareness for the people around you
    • Become familiar with available support services to signpost those within the LGBTQ+ community to
    • Be aware that sexuality or gender identity may fluctuate in people with dementia. For example, a person with memory issues may not remember that they have come out as LGBTQ+ or that they have transitioned to a gender different from their gender assigned at birth. They may forget that family, friends or professionals already know about their sexuality or gender identity, and be anxious about them finding out
    • Remain mindful that a person with dementia may unintentionally disclose their gender identity or sexuality where they have chosen not to before – which could also have implications for their partner
    • When speaking to health and social care professionals, disclose only what you feel comfortable with. Informing them of the person’s sexuality and gender identity may help the professional provide person-centred care, but there is no obligation to do so
    • Consider the language you use when supporting individuals who identify as LGBTQ+. Aim to use open questions such as, “Who are you closest to?” and avoid making assumptions about a person’s gender identity, sexual orientation or relationships
    • Support the person with dementia as they present/identify at that particular time
    • Be aware of the person’s life experiences. Reminiscence therapy is beneficial for many people with dementia, but certain memories might trigger past trauma caused by discrimination or prejudice
    • Compile a record of important information about the person with dementia, such as a life story book, which could include details of their sexuality or gender identity. This can be given to professionals who are involved in their care, such as hospital or care home staff
    • Be mindful of ‘families of choice’: close friends who have adopted a larger support role because of a lack of acceptance from the person’s family of origin, and who may need to be included in their health and social care and decision-making
    • Do report any prejudice or discrimination from professionals – this could lead to positive changes in how they support people. All health and care services must have a complaints policy explaining the steps to follow

    Dementia UK support for LGBTQ+ people living with dementia

    The Consultant Admiral Nurse for the LGBTQ+ Community can help with issues such as:

    • difficulties with managing distressing symptoms of dementia in relation to a person’s sexuality or gender identification
    • significant distress in relation to caring/adjusting to the diagnosis for a person from the LGBTQ+ community
    • complexities with disclosing sexuality/gender identity to professionals, services and carers
    • difficulties in recognition of families of choice and relationships between carers and services

    Get in touch

    To speak to the Consultant Admiral Nurse for the LGBTQ+ Community for support, please contact our Helpline to request a referral. Call 0800 888 6678 (Monday-Friday 9am-9pm, Saturday and Sunday 9am-5pm) or email

    You can also book a phone or video appointment with the Consultant Admiral nurse via the online booking form.

    Book an appointment

    Other sources of support

    Age UK directory of LGBTQ+ support groups for older people

    LGBT Foundation: the charity for LGBTQ+ health and wellbeing

    LGBTQ Dementia Advisory Group: a network of people supporting members of the LGBTQ+ community with dementia

    Opening Doors: online support groups for LGBTQ+ people with dementia and carers