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Council Tax discounts for people with dementia

Many people with dementia and those who live with them qualify for a Council Tax reduction or exemption that could be worth hundreds of pounds every year. Here’s what you need to know about Council Tax discounts for people with dementia.

Council Tax discount for people with dementia

A reduction in Council Tax for people who are ‘severely mentally impaired’ (SMI) which includes many people with dementia. The discount varies from 25% to 100% and is available in England, Scotland and Wales.

The term ‘severely mentally impaired’ can be upsetting and offensive to many people with dementia and their families. At Dementia UK, we recognise that it may cause distress, and do not advocate its use. However, this is the official term used by the Government and local councils.

Council Tax is a local council charge for providing services like refuse collection; parks and recreation areas; street cleaning; local planning; parking enforcement; and tackling nuisance crime like fly tipping. The amount depends on which ‘valuation band’ your home is in.

SMI is defined as, ‘A severe impairment of intelligence and social functioning which appears to be permanent’. This means that while people with dementia are likely to qualify for the discount, it depends on how significantly it affects them.

It also depends on who the person with dementia lives with. They will qualify for a 100% discount on Council Tax – in other words, they will pay nothing – if any other adult they live with is:

  • also ‘severely mentally impaired’
  • a full-time student at college or university

If any other adults who the person lives with is also defined as SMI (eg if they also have dementia) or are in the ‘disregarded’ category, they will qualify for a 50% Council Tax discount. People who are ‘disregarded’ include those who are:

  • under 18
  • 18 or 19 and in full-time education
  • on certain apprentice schemes
  • a full-time student at college or university
  • under 25 and receiving funding from the Education and Skills Funding Agency
  • a student nurse
  • a foreign language assistant registered with the British Council
  • the person’s live-in carer (unless the carer is their spouse, partner or child under 18)
  • a diplomat

If you live with someone with dementia who qualifies for a Council Tax discount, you will receive a 25% discount if:

  • there are no other adults in the household, or
  • everyone else you live with is ‘disregarded’

To prove that the person’s dementia has a significant effect on how they function, they will need a letter from their doctor. They will also need to prove to their local council that the receive certain other benefits – this varies between areas, and you will need to contact your council to find out which benefits count.

This depends on the value of your home according to your Council Tax band, which is set locally.

You will need to contact your local council directly for details of whether you qualify for Council Tax discount and how to apply. You can find more information on the Government’s website.

Council Tax Disabled Band Reduction Scheme

A Council Tax reduction in England, Scotland and Wales for a person who lives in a property that is bigger than they would need if they or someone they live with were not disabled.

You will need to prove that their home is the main home of at least one disabled person, and that they have either:

  • an extra bathroom, kitchen or other room that the disabled person needs
  • extra space inside the property for a wheelchair

People with dementia may be eligible for the reduction if you can demonstrate that the adaptation is necessary for their needs.

If you qualify, your Council Tax band will be reduced to the next lowest band – so if, for example, it is in band C, you will pay rate of a band B property. If your home is already in band A (the lowest band) you will get a 17% discount.

You will need to apply directly to your local council. An assessor may need to visit your home to check your eligibility.

Disabled Person’s Allowance on rates (Northern Ireland)

A similar benefit to the Council Tax Disabled Band Reduction Scheme in England, Scotland and Wales.

Disabled Person’s Allowance is available to people who have, or live with someone who has, a disability, and whose property has been adapted internally or has additional features to support the disabled person’s needs. The adaptation could be:

  • a room (not a kitchen, bathroom or toilet) that is wholly used for the disabled person for treatment or therapy
  • an extra kitchen for the disabled person
  • an extra toilet for the disabled person (including an en suite)
  • enough floor place to use a wheelchair easily inside

There must be a clear link between how the property has been adapted and the person’s disability. Rearranging rooms in the property is unlikely to qualify for the reduction (eg turning a ground floor room into a bedroom).

Disabled Person’s Allowance provides a 25% discount on rates.

Download a claim form, or if you cannot do this, call 0300 200 7801 or email to request a form. You will need to include information about the person’s disability, along with any supporting medical evidence, and details of the adaptations made to your home.

The person with the disability will need to consent to their GP or other medical professional being contacted for information and may need a home visit from a member of the Disabled Persons Allowance Team.

Lone Pensioner Allowance (Northern Ireland)

A reduction in rates for people over 70 who live alone. People can be awarded the benefit alongside the Disabled Person’s Allowance on rates.

The person must be over 70 and live alone. People who do not live alone may also be eligible if they:

  • live with a carer who is not their spouse or partner
  • provide care for someone who lives with them who is not their spouse or partner
  • live with anyone under the age of 18
  • live with someone who has a ‘severe mental impairment’ such as dementia, including their spouse or partner

If the person qualifies, their rates will be reduced by 25%.

If you are a homeowner you can apply online through the Land and Property Service or request a paper form on 0300 200 7801 or by email at

If you are live in a rental property you can apply online through the Northern Ireland Housing Executive or call 03448 920 902.

Sources of support

To speak to a dementia specialist Admiral Nurse about benefits or any other aspect of dementia, call our free Helpline on 0800 888 6678 (Monday-Friday 9am-9pm, Saturday and Sunday 9am-5pm, every day except 25th December) or email

If you prefer, you can pre-book a phone or video call appointment with an Admiral Nurse: visit

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