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Man and woman at work

Dementia at work

Whether you are an employee with dementia, a working carer or an employer, we are here to support you. 

Today, nearly one million people are living with dementia in the UK – including over 70,000 with young onset dementia (where symptoms develop before the age of 65) – and many of them are in some form of employment. Thousands more are working while caring for someone with the diagnosis. 

However dementia is impacting your working life, we are here to help.

How the Dementia at Work Team can support your business

Our Dementia at Work programme is led by a team of Admiral Nurses who have over 100 years’ experience between them. We provide specialised support and guidance to help you implement effective policies and practices that accommodate the needs of employees and customers affected by dementia.

dementia at work nurses

We can provide bespoke services such as:

  • interactive dementia masterclasses tailored to your organisation and business challenges
  • webinars on a range of dementia-related subjects relevant to business need
  • confidential, one-to-one Admiral Nurse appointments for employees, in person or virtually
  • attendance at conferences and employee wellbeing events
  • consultancy around dementia-inclusive workplaces
  • consultancy around customer experience for people living with dementia

As experts in supporting organisations to understand and accommodate the needs of employees and customers affected by dementia, we will work with you to provide tailored guidance and support that recognises the size, nature and requirements of your business.  

Contact the Dementia at Work Team

If you would like to know more about how the Dementia at Work Team can support you, click the button below to complete a short enquiry form.
Contact the team

You can also contact us by emailing us at

Dementia at work: a guide for employers

We have also produced a free downloadable guide which is full of expert, practical information to help you understand your duties as an employer and ensure the best experience for employees and customers.

Download your guide