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Resources for Funeral Directors

We understand how painful it can be to lose a loved one. That’s why we provide resources to help you support families through their grief.  As someone who brings families together to say goodbye, in person or online, we hope you find the following information useful. 

Bereavement information

Our dementia specialist Admiral Nurses can support people experiencing grief after a loved one has passed awayYour  clients can call our  free Dementia Helpline on 0800 888 6678  or  email The Helpline is open Monday to Friday: 9am to 9pm and Saturday to Sunday: 9am to 5pm.  We also have our virtual clinic service. Appointments with a nurse are available to book via phone or zoom.

You may wish to guide families toward our resources on grief, bereavement and loss. You can download our information  leaflet on grief  below or request printed copies for your branches.  

Collecting donations 

Many families find the easiest way to collect donations in memory of someone  is by using an online Remembrance page. We partnered with  Muchloved, which lets people create a  free online tribute page.  The page can be shared  with family and friends online, before the funeral, or  in the order of service.  

If families prefer to collect donations in person, you can request donation envelopes or collections boxes.

Pay in collections   

Paying in donations collected in memory is quick and easy, and there are a few different ways to get the funds to us.  

  • Pay in online:  enter the amount and  feel free to give more details about the donation if you wish
  • Over the phone: please call our Supporter Care Team on 0300 365 5500 anytime between 9-5pm on weekdays
  • Cheque: you can send in  cheques on behalf of your client. Make cheques payable to Dementia UK and post to Freepost RTZS-HCZL-RTUT, Dementia UK, 7th floor, One Aldgate, London EC3N 1RE. Please include a note with your name, contact details and the name of the family

If you are making a donation online and would like a thank you by post, please email with the details.   

Poems and readings

The following poems and readings can be used by families at their loved one’s funerals if they are looking for additional readings.

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