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Father and daughter doing a crossword together

Dementia UK Puzzle Packs

We know how challenging it can be to pause, take a moment for yourself and focus your mind. That’s where Dementia UKs Puzzle Packs come in.

Thank you for your interest in subscribing to Dementia UK’s Puzzle Packs. Unfortunately, we are no longer offering new subscriptions. However, if you are still keen to support us, please see below for some other ways you can get involved. We are so grateful for your support.

If you already subscribe to Puzzle Packs, don’t worry you will continue to receive your monthly pack until the end of your subscription. Thank you so much for your support.

Other ways to get involved

A carefully curated collection of 12 different puzzles, games and cryptic conundrums designed so you can take some time out and gently stimulate your mind.

You will receive a Puzzle Pack every month for 12 months. At the end of your 12-month Puzzle Packs subscription, your donations will automatically continue unless you contact us to cancel. We hope that you will continue your monthly donations to help more families access life-changing dementia support.

You can look forward to receiving each of your monthly packs during the last week of every month until your subscription ends.

Please contact us if:

  • you have changed your address or contact details
  • you want to cancel your subscription
  • you have an issue with your pack or it has not arrived (please allow 30 days for your first pack to arrive)

You can contact our Supporter Care Team by email or by phone on 0300 365 5500. A member of our team will be more than happy to help with your query.