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Ruth, Admiral Nurse visits a person living with dementia at home.

Leave a gift in your Will

Leave a gift in your Will so no one will have to face dementia alone

    Find out more

    By leaving a gift in your Will, you can make a huge difference to the lives of those living with dementia. Your generosity could help us grow the number of dementia specialist Admiral Nurses across our different services so that people can access their expert support when they need it. Your gift can provide specialist dementia care far into the future.

    Your support is so important for every family affected by dementia.

    Devastating for the whole family

    Dementia is a huge and growing health crisis. Someone in the UK develops dementia every three minutes. It is a complex and progressive condition that affects the whole family. Too often, people are left to cope alone with ever-changing and relentless challenges.  Families often have to take on caring responsibilities, which can push them to their physical, emotional, and financial limits. Struggling to know where to turn, they are left feeling exhausted, overwhelmed and alone.

    How we help

    That’s where our specialist dementia nurses – known as Admiral Nurses – come in. As experts in the condition, their tailored, life-changing support helps families through the fear and confusion of dementia.  From sharing practical tips for caring to offering compassionate emotional support and helping families plan for the future, they are there when people need them most.

    Leaving a gift in your Will

    Every day, Admiral Nurses help families up and down the country to have the best life possible for as long as possible. Yet there are still thousands of families who desperately need our help. With one in two of us expected to be affected by dementia – whether by developing it ourselves, caring for someone with the diagnosis, or both we urgently need your support.

    If you are considering leaving a gift in this way, please don’t hesitate. It doesn’t have to be thousands of pounds. After all, we wouldn’t have lovely beaches if it weren’t for many, many tiny grains of sand.


    Please consider leaving a gift in your Will to Dementia UK to help us support every family affected by dementia far into the future.

    If you have any questions, you can e-mail or call 0300 365 5500

    Dementia affects so many people now, and more and more people are being diagnosed with it. By leaving a gift in my Will, I hope more families can receive the support of an Admiral Nurse – they are worth their weight in gold.


    Information for Executors and Solicitors  

    If you are looking to make a payment from a Will or are administering a Will where we have been named as a beneficiary please contact us: