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Looking after your wellbeing whilst you stream

Mental wellbeing

  • Involve your audience to combat feelings of isolation – unless you’re part of a team, streaming can be lonely. Viewer participation is a great way to connect, and fundraising incentives (like completing a dare after hitting a target) work well to keep the party going
  • Join our Discord to find our community, share stories and learn more about Dementia UK
  • Go offline: try to step away from your devices during your breaks. Get outside, make a hot drink or have a quick catch-up with nearby friends and family
  • Remind yourself why you’re taking on the challenge, and how you’re helping change lives

Physical wellbeing

  • Don’t overdo screen time: we recommend taking a five to 10-minute break every hour. You could invite your audience to take a break with you
  • Keep moving: if your stream requires a lot of sitting, stretching your legs and getting fresh air will help if you’re flagging. You want to finish your stream in style!
  • Refuel and re-hydrate: keep a bottle of water with you. Plan your breaks around your meals. Try to have a balance of nutritious snacks (fruit and nuts) as well as treats like sweets and biscuits. We think trail mix is a great option
  • Stay comfortable: making sure your equipment is set up correctly will keep you comfy whilst you stream. If you’re planning to stream for a long time, it may be helpful to have an ergonomic chair, appropriate monitor brightness for the room lighting, and a source of natural light nearby

Digital wellbeing

  • If you experience trolling on your stream please block, report or mute the user. Trolling should never be tolerated. Twitch has outlined how to report abusive users and how to manage harassment on the platform
  • Remember your privacy rights: whilst streaming and gaming is an amazing way to connect with others, you should avoid sharing personal details online. If someone asks you to share personal details, please report them on the platform. You can read more about your privacy choices in this Twitch article
  • If you ever believe your mental health is being impacted by your stream or the content you view, we highly recommend reaching out to the mental health charity Mind – here is a list of useful contacts.
  • If you’re starting to feel irritable, isolated or depressed, take some time away from your stream, as these can be signs of a gaming addiction – visit for advice