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A Dementia UK partner organisation

Types of partnerships

Our corporate partners are vital in growing the number of Admiral Nurses supporting families facing dementia.

Showing your colleagues, customers and communities that you care about supporting people affected by dementia will bring a wide range of benefits.

Here are some examples of the types of partnerships we offer and how they can benefit your company:

As your Charity of the Year, Dementia UK will touch the hearts and harness the motivation of your colleagues. With an emotive cause, powerful storytelling and engaging activities which will complement your company culture and values.

We’ll provide you with a designated and experienced Account Manager, a tailored calendar of events to meet your colleagues’ interests and specialist dementia support from our nurses. 

Your account manager will also support you with engaging fundraising activities to help keep your colleagues motivated.

We’ve been partnered with Central Co-operative since summer 2017. Together, we’ve raised an incredible £1.6m through successfully engaging 98% of their 400 outlets, which has funded nine Admiral Nurses in their trading area and helped to cover the costs of our free national Helpline.

We’re delighted that our fundraising goes towards helping to improve the lives of families affected by dementia in the communities we serve, and I was thrilled to support Dementia UK by running the London Marathon in 2021.

– Debbie Robinson, Chief Executive at Central Co-operative

We believe we can be stronger together through aligning our goals and purposes. A strategic partnership with Dementia UK will help your company achieve its objectives (eg ESGs, corporate social responsibility and equality diversity and inclusion) and overcome key business challenges, while helping us achieve our aim of making sure no family has to face dementia alone.

For example, we help ensure that our partners have access to specialist support for colleagues and customers who are living with, and affected by, the everyday realities of dementia.

Whatever your business priorities – whether its customer vulnerability, colleague engagement, responsible business or EDI – we would love to talk to you about how Dementia UK can help you meet them.

Dementia is such a complex condition which unfortunately affects many of our customers. It is our duty of care to provide extra support to those that need it through our Priority Register. It’s been really beneficial working alongside Pam, one of Dementia UK’s Consultant Admiral Nurses, to understand more about dementia, assess how we can do more to support people living with the diagnosis, and equip our customer-facing teams with the confidence they need to work with families affected by dementia.

Olivia Worthington, Priority Services Register at Thames Water

We are keen to discuss brand- and cause-related marketing opportunities if you spot a strong strategic fit with Dementia UK, and ways to raise significant funds and awareness.

You can engage your customers in a partnership with us – through initiatives like cause-related marketing, loyalty cards, checkout round-ups and plastic bag levy donations, which are proven to increase loyalty, elevate your brand above the competition, boost sales and generate positive PR.

Through Leeds Building Society’s Your Interest in Theirs scheme, savers can choose to donate just a few pennies of their interest each year to help support Dementia UK and other charitable causes. This has already raised over £70,000 for Dementia UK in just two years.

Leeds Building Society also launched a new three-year savings bond in 2021 which has already raised £24,000 for Dementia UK in its first year through the Society making a donation, based on total balances invested.

We’re delighted to be able to offer this product in support of our charity partner, Dementia UK. Through products like this we are able to give savers a competitive rate, while also knowing they are helping others and making a difference.

– Matt Bartle, Director of Products at Leeds Building Society

We’re also one of 35 charities benefiting from M&S Sparks, and during a two-year period, we’ve attracted donations from 67,981 customers amounting to £29,680.

We will work alongside your corporate trust or foundation to facilitate donations which meet your criteria and objectives.

Our dedicated Insights and Evaluation Team will evidence the vital impact of your grants and we will provide powerful stories to connect colleagues to the difference you are making.  

Zurich Community Trust has provided generous support to our national Dementia Helpline over the last four years through grants totalling over £470,000.

Every grant award is only made possible by Zurich’s amazing employees who fundraise and donate to Zurich Community Trust, which is then matched by Zurich. When asked, it was clear from the start that dementia was an issue close to many employee’s hearts, so supporting one of Dementia UK’s Admiral Nurses, Vicky Wheeler, on the Helpline was a popular choice. Dementia UK has done a brilliant job of bringing to life the impact of our funding through day in the life blogs from Vicky and sharing powerful stories of the vital difference she has made.

– Sarah Covington, National Partnerships and Development Manager at Zurich Community Trust  

Dementia UK is completely reliant on voluntary donations. As a company, you can give families facing dementia a lifeline by helping to fund our vital work. We work with our partners to identify projects which will resonate with their colleagues, customers and wider communities.

Tokio Marine HCC entered into a three-year partnership with Dementia UK in 2020. With so many of our employees impacted by this disease, it has been impressive to see the success of our employee fundraising and to hear directly from Admiral Nurses on how these funds make an impact and support families across the UK.

– Katherine Letsinger, Group Chief Financial Officer and Chair of the UK Charity Committee

We welcome support from companies of all shapes, sizes and locations, and we’re here to help if you would like to fundraise for and raise awareness of Dementia UK.

Our Regional Fundraising Team provides local and tailored support. For example, Berry’s Jewellers, based in Leeds, supported Dementia UK throughout 2021. Activities across the year included a sponsored staff hike, a collection in lieu of Christmas cards and placing collection tins in their stores which raised a total of £12,791.30. This could fund a new Admiral Nurse supporting diverse and under-served communities for 11 weeks.  

Working with Dementia UK, as Berry’s Jewellers chosen charity for 2021, gave us the opportunity to help people directly through our fundraising efforts. The staff really enjoyed the various events we did and felt that they were helping to make a difference to someone’s life. The work Dementia UK does is fantastic, and we were all so happy to support them.

– Simon Oxby, Group Operations Manager, Barry’s Jewellers  

Get in touch

If you’re interested in working with us then we’d love to hear from you. Call us on 020 8036 5407, or email us at

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