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Insights and Evaluation Team

We’re committed to building the evidence base for Admiral Nursing by demonstrating the value, outcomes and impact of Admiral Nurse services.

What does the Insights and Evaluation Team do?

The Insights and Evaluation Team helps us do this by collecting and sharing evidence on the effectiveness of the Admiral Nursing model. Some of the areas we collect information on include:

  • how Admiral Nurses are making a difference to families living with dementia
  • how Admiral Nurses work to promote best practice in dementia care
  • feedback on the experiences of families using Admiral Nurse services

We are committed to gathering evidence we can use to make a difference to the lives of families affected by dementia and to develop, deliver and sustain Admiral Nurse services. Our Insights and Evaluation Team also has a central role in embedding a culture of evaluation within local Admiral Nurse services.

The team works directly with Admiral Nurse services, host organisations/commissioners and other teams at Dementia UK to evaluate local Admiral Nurse services through:

  • advice on evaluation design and methodology
  • the provision of suitable evaluation tools
  • data analysis and reporting

It also collates evidence and shares insights from evaluations of Admiral Nurse services across the country, including the Dementia Helpline. This helps us to better understand the needs and experiences of families living with dementia as well as continuously improve the specialist dementia support offered by Admiral Nurses.

How do we collect the data?

Our team uses a range of quantitative and qualitative methods to collect this data and examples of our work to date include:

  • Carer experience surveys for families accessing support from Admiral Nursing services and our Dementia Helpline
  • Measuring carer quality of life at the time of accessing support from Admiral Nursing services and at a follow up (using Adult Carer Quality of Life questionnaire).
  • Surveys asking families about support offered following a diagnosis of dementia
  • Collating information on number of calls to and reasons for contacting our Dementia Helpline

Our team works closely with other colleagues in Dementia UK to ensure evaluations, data analysis and insights are brought together into engaging evidence resources which we can share with our supporters and partners. We use this evidence to influence growth of Admiral Nursing and to make a difference to the lives of families living with dementia.

The Team

Our Insights and Evaluation Team consists of a Head of Insights and Evaluation, Insights and Evaluation Advisors, Insights and Evaluation Analysts and an Insights and Evaluation Officer and are members of the UK Evaluation Society and the Social Research Association.