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An admiral nurse talks to an older woman

How to become an Admiral Nurse

Admiral Nurses work in different care settings and provide specialist dementia support that families need.

To become a dementia specialist Admiral Nurse, you must already be a registered nurse (RN, RMN, RLD). If you are interested in becoming a nurse but have not yet qualified, please contact your local university for information about available courses and admissions requirements.

If you would like to become an Admiral Nurse, you will need to apply for an advertised Admiral Nurse post and demonstrate the skills, knowledge, and competencies listed in the job description, particularly around dementia care, holistic support, and leadership.

Dementia UK does not train Admiral Nurses; however, every Admiral Nurse receives ongoing support and professional and practice development through our Admiral Nurse Academy.

Preparing to apply for an Admiral Nursing role

Many of the skills and qualities that are required of an Admiral Nurse develop with time and experience. However, we recommend completing our free online Pre-Admiral Nurse eLearning module if you are interested in applying for a post. This introduces you to key concepts and areas of focus in Admiral Nursing.

We encourage you to write a reflection after completing the course, which will benefit your application when an Admiral Nurse position becomes available in your area.

We offer an online Summer School every July which is open to any health and social care professionals, volunteers or students with an interest in dementia, including people who are considering becoming an Admiral Nurse. This is a valuable opportunity to learn more about Admiral Nursing and dementia care, and you are most welcome to attend. You can also watch our recordings from previous Summer Schools.

Additionally, you may like to consider further education courses, such as a Postgraduate Certificate/Degree in Dementia Studies, to develop your knowledge and academic career. Many universities offer relevant courses, so do explore your options.