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Learning from our amazing school fundraisers

We’re delighted that Todmorden CE J, I & N School, a church school in West Yorkshire, decided that their chosen charity over Lent would be Dementia UK.

Children at the school showed an amazing amount of creativity in all the fundraising events they came up with and ran across Lent. One of the activities which they chose was a sponsored climb where pupils climbed up a set of steps until they had reached the height of Mount Everest!

five children from Todmarden Primary School holding a cheque for Dementia UK

Other less physically taxing but still fun events included a chocolate and teddy tombola, a sponsored walk, bounce and climb, a loose change challenge, a bake sale, a teddy bear’s picnic and an Easter raffle.

Through the support of the school’s children, parents, staff and governors, Todmorden CE J, I & N School raised an incredible £4,113.84 for Dementia UK. These funds will be essential in providing families with specialist dementia support.

Many of the school children were involved in an event at St. Mary’s Church in Todmorden over Christmas to support people with dementia. Many also sang carols at the school’s local nursing home, Asquith Hall, which is for people with mental health needs, including dementia. These events touched many children’s hearts and a group of Year 5 pupils at the school decided they would like to do more to help people with the condition.

Alice Leadbitter, Headteacher at Todmorden CE J, I & N School said:

The idea to raise money for Dementia UK came from the children. They were all so moved by the people with dementia they met at Asquith Hall and how the residents responded to their singing. The pupils showed a fantastic amount of creativity in coming up with the fundraising event ideas and driving them forward.

We know that a diagnosis of dementia doesn’t just affect the person with the condition but the whole family too. Children can be particularly affected as they see a family member go through the physical and mental changes brought on by the condition. It’s vital to raise awareness across as many people and ages as possible, and we’re so grateful for the Todmorden CE J, I & N School pupils for their incredible support.

If you would like more information on fundraising for Dementia UK as well as some tips for doing so then please contact