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Our very own Rachel Thompson has become the first ever Consultant Admiral Nurse for Lewy body dementia

We’re delighted to announce the appointment of Rachel Thompson as the first ever Consultant Admiral Nurse for Lewy body dementia in partnership with the Lewy Body Society.
The appointment is hosted by Dementia UK and funded by the Lewy Body Society and it will see Rachel Thompson working exclusively on Lewy body dementia for the next two years. Her role will include supporting professionals working with people affected by Lewy body dementia, encouraging links between research and practice, and developing new materials.

Prior to this new role, Rachel Thompson was the Professional and Practice Development Lead for Admiral Nursing. She played a key role in leading a team which ensures that Admiral Nurses are at the forefront of dementia care through learning and development opportunities, such as through coaching and mentoring.

Rachel Thompson said:

This role gives me a unique opportunity to help embed good practice in care and support those affected by Lewy body dementia, and connect the many professionals who are focusing on the condition. The Lewy Body Society is a small charity that makes a big difference in raising awareness and supporting research, and I’m looking forward to getting started.

Jacqueline Cannon, Chief Executive of the Lewy Body Society, said:

We would like to welcome Rachel to the team. With her 30 years’ experience as a nurse, plus her expertise in delivering training and in developing services and tools for practitioners, we are sure she will make a big impact on care for people living with Lewy body dementia and their families.

Lewy body dementia is estimated to affect more than 100,000 people in the UK. It can be diagnosed wrongly and is often mistaken for Alzheimer’s.

The Admiral Nurse Dementia Helpline is in partnership with the Lewy Body Society to ensure that anyone affected by Lewy body dementia can access specialist advice and support.

Rachel Thompson, Consultant Admiral Nurse for Lewy body dementia, is employed by Dementia UK and funded by the Lewy Body Society