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Admiral Nurses data privacy notice

    Dementia UK is committed to protecting and respecting your privacy. Whenever you share personal data with us we aim to be clear with you and not to do anything that you would not reasonably expect us to do. We will always endeavour to tell you when we are collecting data from you and what we will and will not do with your personal information.

    In order that Dementia UK can meet its objective for providing ongoing professional and practice development to Admiral Nurses, it is necessary for us to process some of your personal data. The legal basis for processing in this instance is ‘Legitimate Interests ‘– we have concluded that it is necessary for us to process your data in order that we can meet our obligations to our hosts, your employer and to your ongoing development as an Admiral Nurse, and that this does not unduly impact your rights. Activities which we would carry out are:

    • Using your name and email address to communicate with you about learning opportunities and to send you any information relevant to your professional development as an Admiral Nurse.
    • Using your name and professional email address to communicate with you about your service for operational, evaluation or publicity purposes.
    • Capture details about your personal and professional development which you share with us over the course of your role.
    • Share your name, role and professional email address with our network of Admiral Nurses to enable you to communicate and collaborate with others performing similar roles.
    • It may be necessary from time to time to share relevant information pertaining to your progress/engagement or participation in your CPD with your line manager/employer.

    We might also

    • Use photographs/video of you in your role on reports, publications or promotional material.

    If you are not happy with us using your image in this way, you can contact us to let us know.
    We will not sell your details to any third parties, but we may sometimes share your information with our trusted service providers who are authorised to act on our behalf, for example software providers. As an Admiral Nurse, we will only send you communications related to your role, unless you have specifically and separately opted in to receive Dementia UK marketing emails.
    We will retain your professional development data for 3 years after you leave your post and it will then be securely deleted from all of our systems. We will retain a basic record of your name, contact details, the fact that you were an Admiral Nurse and the dates of your position for a longer period of time.

    You can request access to any information we hold about you at any time or ask for us to update any personal information we hold about you by contacting our offices (details below). If you are unhappy with how we are processing your personal data, you also have the right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s office (ICO).

    This Privacy Notice is written in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (2018) and was last updated in September 2022. For Dementia UK’s full privacy notice, please visit our website page

    For any of the situations mentioned above and throughout this Policy where contacting the charity has been suggested, please contact us at: Data Protection Officer, Dementia UK, 7th Floor, One Aldgate, London EC3N 1RE or by emailing or by calling 0300 365 5500.