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Inspiring stories from our Volunteer Ambassadors

Our fantastic Volunteer Ambassadors share their stories on how dementia has affected them and why they signed up to volunteer for Dementia UK.

Our brilliant Volunteer Ambassadors work alongside the Dementia UK team to help us raise awareness of Dementia UK and develop new fundraising opportunities.

Here are a few of our fantastic Volunteer Ambassadors talking about why they support Dementia UK and why they joined the Volunteer Ambassador team.


Why did you choose to become a Volunteer Ambassador for Dementia UK?

I feel very privileged to volunteer for Dementia UK.  It’s such a friendly charity and I find it very easy to promote the wonderful work of the Admiral Nurses.  I wasn’t lucky enough to know about Dementia UK when I was struggling to support my Mum, so I am passionate to make sure I get the word out there so that others don’t feel they are alone – and that there is help out there.

I really enjoy being an Ambassador for Dementia UK. I give talks for so many different and interesting organisations and discover parts of London I didn’t know before.  The photograph (on the left) shows my presentation for the Punjabi Society – on that occasion I was offered a delicious Indian Meal!

What would you say to anyone looking to become a charity volunteer?

It’s great to feel part of such a great community. It helps me keep active, connected and useful.


Why did you choose to become a Volunteer Ambassador for Dementia UK?

I wanted to find out as much as possible about dementia when my best friend was diagnosed with early onset. As my friend’s illness progressed and I learnt more about the charity, I decided I wanted to tell people about the work of Admiral Nurses and help raise awareness of dementia.

What does it mean to you to be a Volunteer Ambassador for Dementia UK?

It helps me deal with the loss of my friend and I believe in the work Dementia UK is doing to train and recruit more Admiral Nurses across the country.

What would you say to anyone looking to become a charity volunteer?

Whilst raising awareness or collecting cheques you meet some amazing people who give you faith in humanity.