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Fundraising guidelines

Fundraising guidelines for organising and undertaking a fundraising activity to raise funds for Dementia UK 

We are very grateful to our fundraisers for organising activities and collecting funds for Dementia UK. Please note that many fundraising activities are regulated for the protection of the public and therefore before you start planning any events or activities, please read and follow our fundraising guidelines set out below.

Your fundraising

As a fundraiser for Dementia UK, you must:

  • only use lawful means to fundraise, and must not do anything which harms or is likely to harm Dementia UK’s reputation
  • make it clear to potential sponsors that their donation in support of you taking part in the event is a donation to Dementia UK
  • Review the different ways to pay in your donations on our website and pick the best option for you
  • Collect and pay Dementia UK all money raised from your fundraising activity within six weeks of the activity finishing; keep clear accounts and records of all amounts collected for Dementia UK; and supply these records to Dementia UK within five working days of any request by the charity to do so
  • Return any unused fundraising materials to Dementia UK so that we can use them again for another fundraiser

Organising your event

As a fundraiser for Dementia UK, you must:

  • Undertake all fundraising activities at your own risk. Dementia UK is unable to accept any liability for events and other fundraising activities run by individuals and organisations without its consent or involvement
  • Acknowledge that you are responsible for all costs and expenses incurred or arising in connection with the activity
  • Understand that Dementia UK cannot take responsibility for any losses made through your activity or liability arising from your activity
  • Not get involved with or fundraise through any events or activities which involve:
    • Any companies linked to the manufacture and sale of tobacco.
    • Any individuals, companies, events and activities involving boxing.
      • This includes Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) and other similar mixed martial arts sports; and so-called ‘white collar’ boxing
      • However, fundraising activity including ‘Boxercise’ or any boxing related exercise that does not involve physical contact is exempt from this
    • Any individuals, companies or activities involved in the sale of alcohol where this is directly linked to donations to Dementia UK (for example, whereby Dementia UK would receive a donation per bottle of wine sold).

These are in contradiction of Dementia UK’s aims and objectives and could bring the charity into disrepute

  • Confirm that if your event involves the sale of alcohol or engaging in other licensable activities not directly linked to raising donations, you ensure the venue or location holds a valid premises licence. For more details, visit GOV.UK: Premises Licence
  • Inform Dementia UK at the earliest possible opportunity if you cancel or postpone your event
  • Inform Dementia UK’s Fundraising Team at the earliest possible opportunity of any bad press or adverse incident or adverse response relating to any fundraising event you have held or are organising where the name of Dementia UK may be associated with the event or activity

Keeping it safe and legal

As a fundraiser for Dementia UK, you must:

  • Comply at all times with all applicable laws and regulations relating to the planned activities; familiarise yourself with the advice and guidance on the Fundraising Regulator’s website (; and comply with the Code of Fundraising Practice
  • Make sure your event, and any third parties involved, are fully insured and do not take unnecessary personal risks. Fundraising events are not covered by Dementia UK’s insurance policies unless the event has been arranged directly by Dementia UK
  • Not raise funds for a restricted purpose without first receiving written authority from Dementia UK to do so
  • Not engage the services of a third-party professional fundraising organisation without the prior written consent of Dementia UK. These arrangements must only be entered into in accordance with the signing of a professional fundraising agreement with Dementia UK
  • Comply at all times with all applicable data protection laws including the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (GDPR), read in conjunction with and subject to the Data Protection Act 2018; and the Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations 2003, in each case as amended, re-enacted or replaced from time to time

Keeping it safe and legal – event specific

As a fundraiser for Dementia UK, you must:

  • If using collection tins, read Dementia UKs static tin collection guidelines regarding where a static tin can be placed and contact to sign a static tin agreement
  • Read Dementia UK’s guidelines relating to street/public collections and ensure you obtain a collector’s licence from the appropriate local authority before collecting in any public place
  • Obtain prior permission from the owners of any private property (this includes shops, cafés, pubs etc) before collecting
  • Not carry out house-to-house collections
  • Not hold a raffle outside of an event or over more than one day without obtaining a licence from your local authority. Read our guide on how to host a raffle.
  • Not resell or offer for auction Dementia UK merchandise without Dementia UK’s permission
  • Ensure any events involving food meet food safety standards: visit
  • Refrain from applying undue pressure on members of the public to give money or other property for the benefit of Dementia UK
  • Protect the public from unreasonable intrusion into a person’s privacy, and in particular refrain from acting aggressively; exploiting any vulnerable circumstances of a donor or potential donor; and continuing a conversation when a person does not wish to be engaged

Using Dementia UK’s logo and brand

As a fundraiser for Dementia UK, you must:

  • Ensure that you do not (by act or omission) do anything to bring Dementia UK into disrepute
  • Only use Dementia UK branded fundraising materials (in print or electronic form) for your activities
  • In any publicity for the event, only use the full ‘In aid of Dementia UK’ logo provided by Dementia UK. Please get approval for any use of this logo in print or digital form, and email to have this signed off by our Brand Team in advance
  • Ensure that all materials include the text ‘Registered charity in England and Wales (1039404) and Scotland (SC 047429)’

If you are a corporate fundraiser or are fundraising alongside your business, we have different guidelines for use of logo and brand. Please email

Please note:

  • All funds raised from your event will support the work of Dementia UK: registered charity in England and Wales (1039404) and Scotland (SC 047429).
  • Dementia UK may terminate your right to raise funds using the charity’s name and logo at any time.

Whatever fundraising event or activity you are planning, please make sure it follows all guidelines and regulations, including health and safety.

Because of your fantastic fundraising, our dementia specialist Admiral Nurses can support more families, ensuring no one faces dementia alone. Thank you so much for your amazing support.

If you have any questions, please contact the Community and Events Team at