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Admiral Nurse Hannah making phone call and using laptop

Dementia: what next?

An online programme for people affected by dementia

    When you or someone you are close to is diagnosed with dementia, it is natural to have lots of questions – and one of those questions is likely to be, “What next?”

    At Dementia UK, we know that many people receive little to no support after a dementia diagnosis. All too often, they struggle to know where to turn and are left feeling exhausted, overwhelmed and alone.

    Our new, free online series, ‘Dementia: what next?’, is designed to help you learn more about dementia and the next steps you need to take. Hosted by our dementia specialist Admiral Nurses, the sessions will provide you with expert information and advice on topics we are frequently asked about, helping you navigate the future with more confidence.

    What will the programme cover?

    Session 1: What is dementia?

    Session 2: Financial and legal advice

    Session 3: Planning for the future

    Who are the sessions for?

    People who have been recently diagnosed with dementia and their families.

    When do the sessions take place?

    The sessions take place on Zoom from 10-11.30am on the first three Fridays of every month and are repeated monthly. You are welcome to join any or all of the three sessions in the same month or over several months.

    How to register